
Showing posts from June 2, 2020

Output Devices for SS1

Output Devices for SS1 Definition of Output devices Output devices are devices that enable the computer to communicate the results of data processing carried out by it to the user. These devices enable the computer to display text, graphics (pictures and images) and produce sound. Examples of computer output devices include monitor, printer, speaker, plotter, braille embosser etc. Features and uses of output devices 1. Monitor : The monitor, also called Visual Display Unit (VDU) is a TV-like structure attached to the System Unit through the VGA cable. It displays text and graphics (pictures and images). The content showing on the monitor is called a soft copy. 2. Printer : A printer is a device attached to the System Unit through the USB cable or other types of cable. It is used to produce the information (text, graphics, images, illustrations) showing on the monitor on paper, transparencies, and plastic. Such a printout is called a hardcopy. 3. Speaker : A speaker is a device used for...

Input Devices for SS1

Input Devices for SS1 Definition of Input device Input device is any hardware component that allows a user to enter data and instructions into a computer. Any peripheral used to provide data and control signals to a computer. Without any input devices, a computer would only be a display device and not allow users to interact with it. Before computer processing, data must be entered into the computer by an input device so that they can be translated into machine readable form. Some input devices include the following: Keyboard, Mouse, Joy Stick, Light pen, Track Ball, Scanner, Graphic Tablet, Microphone, Magnetic Ink Card Reader (MICR), Optical Character Reader (OCR), Bar Code Reader Optical Mark Reader (OMR), etc. Keyboard Keyboard is the most common and very popular input device which helps in inputting data to the computer. The keyboard looks very similar to the keyboards of electric typewriters, with some additional keys. Keyboards allow a computer user to input letters, numbers, an...

Computing Devices II (20th to Date) for SS1

Computing Devices II (20th to Date) for SS1 ENAIC ENIAC ( Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first electronic general- purpose computer. ENIAC used a word of 10 decimal digits instead of binary digits. It was designed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania, U.S. ENIAC was formally dedicated at the University of Pennsylvania on February 15, 1946 and was heralded as a "Giant Brain" by the press. It had a speed on the order of one thousand (10 3) times faster than that of electro-mechanical machines Components: By the end of its operation in 1955, ENIAC contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, 7200 crystal diodes, 1500 relays, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors and approximately 5,000,000 hand-soldered joints. It weighed more than 30 short tons was roughly 2.4m × 0.9m × 30m (8 × 3 × 100 feet) in size, occupied 167m 2 (1800 ft 2) and consumed 150 kW of electricity. This power requirement led to the rumor that whenever the computer was sw...

Computing Devices I ( Pre-Computer to 19th Century) for SS1

Computing Devices I ( Pre-Computer to 19th Century) for SS1 Man has put every effort to have better method of calculations. As a result of man’s search for fast and accurate calculating devices, the computer was developed. 19 th Century Device Some of the 19 th century devices are: Abacus, Napier’s bones, Pascal’s calculator, Leibniz multiplier Jacquard’s Loom, Charles Babbage’s engine, Hollerith Census machine and Borrough’s machine. Abacus The first calculating device was probably the Abacus. The Chinese invented it. Components: It is made up of frame divided into two parts by a horizontal bar and vertical threads. Each thread contains some beads. It is known as Soroban in Japan and Suan Pan in china. Uses : to do simple addition and subtraction Napier’s Bone : In 1617 an eccentric (peculiar, unusual person) Scotsman mathematician named John Napier invented Logarithm which is a technology that allows multiplication to be performed via addition. Components : A set of eleven rods, wit...

Data and Information for SS1

Data and Information for SS1 Definition of Data Data are raw facts. They are figures, words and symbols that have not been processed or put into meaningful form. Data can be referred to as raw material from which information is produced. Types of data 1. Numeric data : Data consisting of digits and not letters of alphabets or special character. E.g. 0 – 9 2. Alphabetic data: Data consisting of letters and not digits or special characters. A-Z and a-z 3. Alpha-numeric data : Data consisting of digits, alphabets as well special characters. Ussm12, #, !, ?, etc. Sources of data Data could be gathered or collected from various sources. Some of the sources include the following: i. Federal Office of Statistics ii. National Population Commission iii. Independent Electoral Commission iv. Examination Bodies v. School attendance Register vi. Bank Statement Definition of Information Information is processed data. Sources of information Information could be gathered from different sources. Some ...

Overview of Computer System for SS1

Overview of Computer System for SS1 Definition of Computer System  Computer system can be defined as an electronic device which manipulates data and produces output using step-by-step instructions. A programmable machine that receives, stores, retrieves, processes and outputs data. A computer may be defined as a machine that can solve problems by accepting data, performing certain operations and presenting the results of those operations under the direction of detailed step by step instructions. Constituents of a Computer The two major constituents of the computer are hardware and software 1. Hardware : Hardware can be defined as all the parts of the computer that are tangible. I.e. they are the parts of the computer you can see, touch, or handle. Examples of Hardware The following list represents a basic set of set of hardware found in most computers a. PC case, b. Motherboard, c. Hard Disk Drive (HDD), d. Floppy Disk Drive (FDD), e. Compact Disk Drive (CDD), f. Digital Video Disk...

Computer Software for SS1

Computer Software for SS1 Definition of Software Software is a set of instructions and procedures passed to the computer to perform certain activities or task. It can also be defined as a set of instructions that direct the activities of the computer system in order to undertake a specific task. Unlike the hardware, software cannot be seen or touched. Types of Software Software is divided into two broad groups, these are: 1. System Software 2. Application software 1. System Software These are software that control the way the different computer components communicate with one another. It can also be defined as programs that help run the computer hardware and software. The system software consists of programs, written by manufacturers, which contributes to the proper control and good performance of the computer system. System software generally comprises three groups. These are: a. Operating system b. Utility software c. Translators a. Operating system : Operating (OS) is software progr...

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