
Showing posts with the label Data and Information

Data and Information for SS1

Data and Information for SS1 Definition of Data Data are raw facts. They are figures, words and symbols that have not been processed or put into meaningful form. Data can be referred to as raw material from which information is produced. Types of data 1. Numeric data : Data consisting of digits and not letters of alphabets or special character. E.g. 0 – 9 2. Alphabetic data: Data consisting of letters and not digits or special characters. A-Z and a-z 3. Alpha-numeric data : Data consisting of digits, alphabets as well special characters. Ussm12, #, !, ?, etc. Sources of data Data could be gathered or collected from various sources. Some of the sources include the following: i. Federal Office of Statistics ii. National Population Commission iii. Independent Electoral Commission iv. Examination Bodies v. School attendance Register vi. Bank Statement Definition of Information Information is processed data. Sources of information Information could be gathered from different sources. Some ...

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