
Showing posts with the label Program Development

Program Development for SS2

Program Development for SS2 Definition of Program A program is a set of instruction that is executed by the CPU. A program can also be defined as an organized list of instructions that, when executed causes the computer to behave in a predetermined manner. Without program the computer is useless. Characteristic of a Good Program The following are characteristics of a good program. Accuracy : Program should be sufficiently accurate to get the desire results. Extensibility : this means that you so design your program that you can add and remove element from your program without disturbing the underling structure of the program. Maintainability : this is making your code easy to update Efficiency : a good program should be designed to use the least amount of primary memory and the fewest devices possible. Generality : Design the program to be generalized and flexible, if possible Portability : a good program can be moved to another environment Simplicity : program logic should be as si...

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