
Showing posts with the label Overview of Computer Studies (Computer System)

Overview of Computer System for SS1

Overview of Computer System for SS1 Definition of Computer System  Computer system can be defined as an electronic device which manipulates data and produces output using step-by-step instructions. A programmable machine that receives, stores, retrieves, processes and outputs data. A computer may be defined as a machine that can solve problems by accepting data, performing certain operations and presenting the results of those operations under the direction of detailed step by step instructions. Constituents of a Computer The two major constituents of the computer are hardware and software 1. Hardware : Hardware can be defined as all the parts of the computer that are tangible. I.e. they are the parts of the computer you can see, touch, or handle. Examples of Hardware The following list represents a basic set of set of hardware found in most computers a. PC case, b. Motherboard, c. Hard Disk Drive (HDD), d. Floppy Disk Drive (FDD), e. Compact Disk Drive (CDD), f. Digital Video Disk...

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