
Showing posts with the label Computer Problem Solving Skills

Computer Problem Solving Skills for JSS2

Computer Problem Solving Skills for JSS2 Concept of Computer Program and Programming Language If you want a computer to solve a given problem, you need a computer program. A computer program is a sequence of related instruction (command) that tell the computer how to accomplish a specific task. A program can also be defined as a set of instruction that is executed by the CPU. Programming Programming is the act of writing computer program. A computer program are written by trained and qualify people called programmer. Computer Programming Language A computer programming language is the language used to write instructions (commands) for the computer. Programming language is a means through which programmer communicate with the computer in solving different categories of problems. It consists of a set of rules governing how the words in the language should be written (syntax) and the meaning associated with each word (semantic). Types of Programming Language Computer language fall into ...

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