
Showing posts with the label Output Devices

Output Devices for SS1

Output Devices for SS1 Definition of Output devices Output devices are devices that enable the computer to communicate the results of data processing carried out by it to the user. These devices enable the computer to display text, graphics (pictures and images) and produce sound. Examples of computer output devices include monitor, printer, speaker, plotter, braille embosser etc. Features and uses of output devices 1. Monitor : The monitor, also called Visual Display Unit (VDU) is a TV-like structure attached to the System Unit through the VGA cable. It displays text and graphics (pictures and images). The content showing on the monitor is called a soft copy. 2. Printer : A printer is a device attached to the System Unit through the USB cable or other types of cable. It is used to produce the information (text, graphics, images, illustrations) showing on the monitor on paper, transparencies, and plastic. Such a printout is called a hardcopy. 3. Speaker : A speaker is a device used for...

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