
Showing posts with the label Computing Devices I (Pre-Computer Age to 19th Century)

Computing Devices I ( Pre-Computer to 19th Century) for SS1

Computing Devices I ( Pre-Computer to 19th Century) for SS1 Man has put every effort to have better method of calculations. As a result of man’s search for fast and accurate calculating devices, the computer was developed. 19 th Century Device Some of the 19 th century devices are: Abacus, Napier’s bones, Pascal’s calculator, Leibniz multiplier Jacquard’s Loom, Charles Babbage’s engine, Hollerith Census machine and Borrough’s machine. Abacus The first calculating device was probably the Abacus. The Chinese invented it. Components: It is made up of frame divided into two parts by a horizontal bar and vertical threads. Each thread contains some beads. It is known as Soroban in Japan and Suan Pan in china. Uses : to do simple addition and subtraction Napier’s Bone : In 1617 an eccentric (peculiar, unusual person) Scotsman mathematician named John Napier invented Logarithm which is a technology that allows multiplication to be performed via addition. Components : A set of eleven rods, wit...

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