ICT as a Transformation Tool for JSS2

ICT as a Transformation Tool for JSS2

Meaning of ICT

ICT is an acronym that stands for Information and Communication Technology.
Information: Information is refers to knowledge obtained from reading, investigating, study and research.
Communication: Communication is an act of transmitting messages.
Technology: Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose especially in industry.
ICT can therefore be defined as technologies that provide access to information through telecommunication. It also defined as the use of diverse set of technological tool and resources to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information. It is the combination of compatible hardware and computer-based information systems together with improved communication technologies.
Information can be transmitted from one place to the other with the use of ICT. For example, sending and receiving e-mail messages, making phone calls, audio and video conferencing, sending and receiving fax messages, chatting and instant messaging etc.

Examples of ICT gadgets are computers, cellular network, satellites communication, television, telephone, etc.

ICT Components

The major components of ICT are:
1. Computer: It is needed to process data and information.
2. Input/output devices: These sends or receive data
3. Communication channels: These are links by which voice or data are transmitted. These links used various media such as telephone line, fiber optic cable, coaxial cable and wireless transmission which could be radio or satellite link.
4. Communication processors: These are processors which provide support function of data transmission and reception. Examples are modem, router and multiplexer.
5. Communication software: This control input and out activities and also manage other functions of the communication network.


Benefits of ICT

i. It is timely, better and cheaper access to knowledge and information
ii. It speeds up transactions and processes
iii. It causes human beings interact with each other in new ways.
iv. Distances becomes irrelevant in business transaction and dealing.

Disadvantages of ICT

i. It leads to job loses
ii.Threatens other areas/fields of human endeavour. E.g. criminals view it as an avenue to commit crime of all kinds.
iii. ICT tools may not be easily affordable.
iv. Maintenance of some ICT tools or gadgets are expensive


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