Computer Ethics JSS One

Computer Ethics JSS One

Definition of Computer Ethics

Ethics is a set of moral principles that govern the behaviour of a group or individual. Computer ethics is a set of moral principles that regulate the use of computers.

Computer Room Management Ethics

A computer room must be managed properly. Unlike our homes we need to keep a computer room in a good condition always by:
1. Making it free of dust: we should endeavor to dust our computers every day after sweeping the room. After sometime, a computer engineer should use a blower to blow off dust from within the computer.
2. Maintaining appropriate lighting: a computer room must not be dark while computers are being used. Steady flow of electricity and a device called uninterruptible power supply (UPS) should be used. A UPS is a device used to store electricity for the computer in case of power failure.
3. Maintaining adequate and appropriate ventilation. A cooling system is very necessary all the time for our computers. Fans and air conditioners should be used always to avoid computers being damaged because of heat.
4. Proper setup of computer system: all connections should be done before usage.
5. Eating and drinking should be avoided while in computer room.
6. Noise should be avoided in a computer room.
7. A maintenance officer should check all computers before and after use.

Laboratory Rules and Regulations

In a computer laboratory, certain rules and regulations should be observed. They include:
1. Chairs and tables should be arranged in a comfortable manner so as to ease movement within the computer laboratory.
2. Power points should be attached to the wall close to each computer.
3. The system unit and peripherals such as monitors, keyboard, mice etc should be arranged in an orderly manner.
4. A computer laboratory should be out of bound for non-computer users.
5. Computers should be booted properly before use and shut down properly after use to avoid damage to the memory files of the computer.
6. There should be no smoking, eating or drinking in the computer laboratory.
7. Keep the computer away from direct sunlight and sources of heat.
8. Be careful about using diskettes or external storage devices from unknown sources as the computer could easily get infected with a virus.


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