
Spreadsheets Package for SS2

Spreadsheets Package for SS2 Definition of Spreadsheet 1. A Spread sheet application is a large sheet having data and information arranged in rows and columns 2. Spreadsheet is application software that tracks, analyzes, and charts numeric information. 3. A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application program for organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form 4. Spreadsheet is a computer program or software which allows calculation to be carried out on several cells that have numbers Examples of Spreadsheet 1. iWork Numbers – Apple Office Suite 2. Lotus 1-2-3 3. OpenOffice – Calc 4. Lotus Symphony – Spreadsheets 5. Microsoft Excel 6. VisiCalc Application Areas of Spreadsheet 1. Accounting. 2. Statistical calculations. 3. Preparation of student results. 4. Obtaining tax estimation 5. Preparation of daily sales Spreadsheet Terms and Features 1. Absolute Cell Reference : An absolute cell reference is one that does not change when it is copied. To make a cell reference ab

Word Processing for SS2

Word Processing for SS2 Definition of Terms Word Processing: Word processing means using the computer to create, edit, and print document. Word processor : A word processor is an electronic device or computer software application, which performs the task of composition, editing, formatting, and printing of documents. Text Document : Text document is something written, printed, or online document that presents data in the form of an articles, letter, memorandum, report, etc. Examples of word processor There are many word processing software packages available today, such as WordStar, MS-word, Corel WordPerfect, WordPad, Notepad, WPS writer, etc Application Areas of Word processing Software i. Offices ii. Publishing iii. Journalism iv. Education v. Article Steps Involved in Loading Microsoft Word There are many ways of loading Microsoft word: a. If the icon of the package is on desktop, double click on it for it to open b. If the icon is not on the desktop, follow the step below: i.

Handling Computer Files for SS2

Handling Computer Files for SS2 Basic File Operations Following are some of the basic file operations: 1. Create : To make a new file 2. Delete : To remove a file from disk 3. Retrieve : To find a file and bring it back 4. Copy : To produce file so that it is the same as the original piece of work 5. View : To see the files in a folder 6. Update : A manipulation involving adding, modifying, or deleting data to bring a file up to-date 7. Open : Open a file for editing 8. Close : To exit the edited file. Sequential File Creation There are many ways to organize data in a sequential file. One of such ways is by using BASIC Programming. 1. Choose a DOS file name. A DOS file name is a string consisting of a base name of at most eight characters followed by an optional extension consisting of a period and at most three characters. Blank spaces are not allowed. Some examples of DOS file names are INCOME.86, CUSTOMER.DAT. And FORT500. 2. Choose a number from 1 through 255 to be the reference nu

Computer Files for SS2

Computer Files for SS2 Definition of some Terms 1. Computer file is defined as the smallest meaningful unit of data representation within a computer 2. A computer file is a block of arbitrary information, or resource for storing information, which is available to a computer program and usually on some kind of durable storage. File Functions : Files are used to do one or more of the following functions: a. Provide machine executable code b. Store application program or operating system configuration c. Store data used by user such as Microsoft Word files. Therefore there are three types of information that files contain: i. Executable code ii. system or program configuration file iii. user data 3. Record : A record is a collection of fields. In computer science , a record (also called struct or compound data) is a basic data structure . 4. Field : Field is a single piece of information about and object. A is also defined as a space that holds specific parts of data from a set or a recor

Presentation Packages for SS1

Presentation Packages for SS1 Definition A presentation program is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show. It has three major functions: an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted, a method for inserting and manipulating graphic images, and a slide-show system to display the content. Examples oSlideWiki, Audience (software), Ease, Emaze etc. Features of presentation package · Creation of Slides : A slide is a single screen of a presentation, and every presentation is composed of several slides . Slides contain any mixture of text, images, video, animations, links and sound · Animation : Animation effects allow the various elements on each slide to appear after a certain amount of time or when a presenter presses a button. · Transitions : This is how the presentation software “moves” the display of one slide to another. Transitions usually include dissolving from one slide to the next or the current slide being moved in some way to show

Word Processing for SS1

Word Processing for SS1 Definition of Terms Word Processing : Word processing means using the computer to create, edit, and print document. Word processor : A word processor is an electronic device or computer software application, which performs the task of composition, editing, formatting, and printing of documents. Text Document : Text document is something written, printed, or online document that presents data in the form of an articles, letter, memorandum, report, etc. Examples of word processor There are many word processing software packages available today, such as WordStar, MS-word, Corel WordPerfect, WordPad, Notepad, WPS writer, etc. Application Areas of Word processing Software i. Offices ii. Publishing iii. Journalism iv. Education v. Articles Steps Involved in Loading Microsoft Word There are two ways of loading Microsoft word: a. If the icon of the package is on desktop, double click on it for it to open b. If the icon is not on the desktop, follow the step below: i. C

Basic Computer Operations for SS1

Basic Computer Operations for SS1 Definition of Booting In computing, booting (also known as “booting up”) is a bootstrapping (self-starting) process that starts the operating system when the user turns on a computer system. Booting can also be defined as the initial set of operations that the computer performs when power is switched on. Description of the Booting process When the computer’s power is first turned on, the CPU (Central Processing Unit) initializes itself to look for the system’s ROM BIOS (Read Only Memory Basic Input Output System) which is the first program that runs every time the computer is turned on. The BIOS performs the Power-On Self-Test (POST), which begins by checking the BIOS chip and then test CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) RAM. If the POST does not detect a battery failure, it then continues to initialize the CPU (Central Processing Unit), checking the hardware devices to ensure they are functioning properly. Once the POST has determined that

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